Information & Frequently Asked Questions


who founded the sieclc?

the shelter Island early childhood Learning center is a parental co-operative pre-school! parental involvement is required and keeps tuition low. families can review the volunteer form in the registration packet and select the volunteer opportunities that might work for them.

current board members

Board president: carley o’leary

Vice President: amanda bartilucci

treasurer: karena shields

board members: ala hakim, elizabeth eklund, jessica cox and heather fundora

how can I be stay informed and get involved?

Sieclc is governed by a board of parents. two annual open board meetings will be held during the school year. parents are encouraged to attend the open meetings and to bring ideas, questions and concerns for discussion.

do you go outside every day?

Yes! some days we must adjust our outdoor time depending on the weather. We do play outside in light rain and the snow. If there is a thunderstorm however, we stay inside.  If it’s below zero, we abbreviate our time outdoors.  We follow the local school districts in terms of school closures for snow days. to ensure the comfort of all students, we require proper seasonal outdoor clothing and footwear, as well as hats, gloves, mittens and scarfs being required during winter. snowsuits and snow boots must be worn during periods of heavy snow.

what is the student-teacher ratio? How many children are in each class?

there is one lead teacher and two assistants in our morning program.
our student to teacher ratio is 1:6.
our maximum class size is 17 children.

additional information

there are fundraisers throughout the school year. these fundraisers are critical to maintaining programs, staff and the facility. we are a non-profit learning center that strives to keep tuition costs reasonable. therefore, families are required to participate in fundraisers twice during the school year in order to help sieclc meet its goals and reduce overhead. if you choose not to participate, a fee of $350 will be added to your child's tuition for the year. Please return the fundraising commitment form with your registration materials.

readiness and eligibility
any child who is two by October of the current year will be eligible to attend our morning program. children do not need to be potty trained for our morning program. teachers will encourage potty-training and nurture a child’s readiness for this developmental step. parents are encouraged to share individual potty-training plans with teachers.

we follow the shelter island school district calendar. if the shelter island school is closed for vacation or snow, we will be closed. please watch news channel 12 for the shelter island school district listing. when the shelter island school district dismisses for conferences, etc. at 11 am, the preschool will be in session. a calendar will be provided with your welcome packet at the beginning of the school year.

diversity statement
SIECLC welcomes, values, celebrates, and respects individuals of all races, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, and religion. We are committed to treating all persons with dignity and respect in an honest, open, fair, and friendly manner.

admission to sieclc shall be made without regard to race, color, religious creed, national origin, disability or gender.

classroom questions/ concerns
our teachers are always available to answer any questions or hear your concerns. the phone number in the classroom is 631- 749-0805 extension 4 or email